explore together

with us

Our offer

S E L J E offers our experience and medical expertise in clinical and non-clinical capacities. We have 65 years between us as doctors working with people, systems and organisations. We are dynamic and creative and have worked on projects that include: food and health education for people with diabetes, human education (www.thecards.org), consulting to businesses on the provision of staff support and most recently working with the Sustainable Markets Initiative (www.sustainable-markets.org).

S E L J E can provide essential insights into health and relational dynamics in a number of environments to find ways forward in our ever complex systems and world. Relationships and working together with mutual collaboration are at the heart of all our endeavours.

O u r f e e s

S E L J E fees are based on the dimension of the work. These are always discussed and agreed prior to commencement. We operate a sliding scale and will undertake pro-bono work for some charitable enterprises.

the essence


At S E L J E, we leverage our collective experience to provide insights into health, relational dynamics, group and systemic processes.

Our consultations have been tailored for charities, businesses and TV production companies. We work together to inspire creativity and innovation.

Get in Touch

If you are keen to explore collaborative opportunities with S E L J E, please provide your details.